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    Who Said You Can't Lose Weight?

    Yes You Can Lose Weight

    Here are ways to get fit, lose weight


    1 Make exercise (or just movement) a habit

    There’s a widely held belief that it takes 21 days (some say 28) to form a habit. It stems from a book plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz wrote in 1960 in which he wrote that it takes a minimum of 21 days to make a change in one’s life, based on his study of how long it took an amputee to get used to the loss of a limb, or to feel comfortable with the new nose they see in the mirror.

    Self-help books and pop-psychologists pounced on the 21-day-rule, using it as the framework for myriad books on ways to change your life – in part because a three-week time limit makes a goal seem achievable. But actually, while the 21-day rule is neat and helps us in deciding to embark upon a new life change, the reality is different.

    A later study by psychologist Phillipa Lally of UCL suggests that to really integrate something that’s more work into your life – like daily exercise – takes longer. Participants in her study found it took more like 66 days for a habit to become automatic – with some taking up to 245 days.
    To get going, integrate some movement into your day, however small – whether it’s 5 minutes of stretching or a 15 minute run/walk around the block before you get in the shower – and do it until it becomes second nature.
    It’s important to be consistent, or you will come up with excuses and reasons not to exercise – but equally important to understand that if you miss a day, all is not lost. Lally found that those who missed a day of their habit-forming activity showed no loss of motivation if they picked up again the day afterwards.
    So don’t lose heart if you don’t manage a 100% hit-rate.

    2 Make goals, not resolutions

    Trackable goals – meaning goals with specific deadlines and specific actions you can take – are better than more general resolutions.
    Resolving to ‘be healthier’ can leave you in a limbo, never knowing if you’ve actually achieved what you set out to do, or even what you really intend to do to achieve it.
    Resolving to work out three times a week, however, is an actionable, trackable goal.

    3 Go on a retreat

    There are few better ways to kickstart a healthy eating, exercise of healthy living routine than a residential retreat.
    A fully immersive experience can fast-track you to new habits, showing you the benefits of a new way of living fast across several days or a week.
    A residential bootcamp will never be the budget option, but it has the potential to quickly undo old habits and install new ones in a way that has the power to stick once you’re home, thanks to the uplifting and transformative experience while you’re on the retreat.
    Living Retreats is the gold standard of retreats in the UK. Run by personal trainer Luke and sports psychologist and nutritionist (and incredible chef) Joanna Gray, the retreats can be tailor-made to suit every client, with anything from 72-hour weekenders to a full month reset (and beyond) possible.

    4 Download an app

    What did we do before smartphones? An app can offer genuine help you to get fitter/lose weight/stay motivated. Whether it’s a calorie counting app like MyFitnessPal, a personal training app like Couch to 5k or exercise monitors like Runkeeper, Nike+ Running or the Fitbit app, they can give you structure, help you track the exercise you’ve done, set challenges for yourself and allow you to join group challenges or compete with your friends.

    They are only as good as the data you give it or the frequency with which you open it though, so to get the most out of it, build using it into your daily routine.

    5 Keep a food (and drink) diary

    (Illustration: Mmuffin for Metro.co.uk)

    While it’s not a good idea to obsess over calories, when you’re starting out, it’s useful to keep track of what you’re consuming to understand where unexpected or excessive calories come from.
    A notebook combined with online research is fine, or you could use a calorie counting and fitness log app like MyFitnessPal.
    When you see the 3 wines, 4 shots, bowl of nuts and post-party burger come in at more than your entire RDA, it makes you think.
    Similarly, finding out you can eat a massive bowl of chicken salad, three boiled eggs and some Parma ham for the same as one piece of chocolate cake, helps you make better choices.
    Fitness noob James Andrews, who has recently started logging his food in an attempt to lose 4 stone put on after giving up smoking, found that the beloved pork belly he cooked once a week carried 1,500 calories for two strips – and he’d sometimes eat it between meals or as a bar snack after dinner. He also discovered his alcohol intake three or four times a week added more than his entire RDA each evening, taking his daily calorie count on bar days up to 4,000.
    ‘I didn’t want to give up drinking, but I now stick to light spirits and I avoid bar snacks – I’ll either have just one crisp or none,’ he says. He also makes sure to have a large salad for lunch on the days he’s drinking. ‘I mix up a dressing of oil, vinegar and sometimes a splash of water to loosen it without adding calories, and I’ll graze on it over the course of two hours. It stops me snacking later,’ he adds.

    Knowing what you’re eating is the first step to understanding how to change it. It’s not about cutting out everything you like, but about balancing your choices.

    6 Cut back on alcohol

    (Illustration: Liberty Antonia Sadler for Metro.co.uk)
    Snore. Boring. We know. It’s fun, it tastes like nectar of the gods. Steak cannot be eaten without a bottle of red. Ice cold champagne is irresistible. Gin and tonics. Beer. Wine after a hard day. Sob.
    But, consider this:
    Three large glasses of wine = around 630 calories.
    Three pints of Doom Bar cask ale has 606 calories.
    Three double gin and tonics = 600 calories.
    • Drinking alcohol temporarily stops your body from burning fat, because it has to stop what it’s doing in order to process the alcohol.
    • Calories from alcohol cannot be stored for use later so the metabolic system puts fat burning on hold while it deals with your large glass of wine, converting the alcohol into acetate and burning that first – leaving the food you just ate to be stored as fat.
    • In addition, alcohol particularly prevents fat burn in the belly region.
    • Drinking alcohol in the evening means you’re more likely to eat bad snacks, go to bed late, sleep less soundly and wake unrefreshed, lacking any motivation to get up and exercise.
    • Being tired and hungover the next day will make you more likely to make poorer food choices, less likely to work out – and drive you towards a restorative glass of wine in the evening.
    The average wine drinker puts on half a stone of fat in a year. If you’re drinking more than average (and not exercising or watching what you eat), that could be more.

    The Hangover diet is all too real (Illustration: Mmuffin for Metro.co.uk)
    And so continues the cycle…
    SO many reasons to cut down (or out, if you can manage it).
    If cutting it out altogether seems impossible for now, try one or two days without it, or set yourself a goal from Monday to Friday and see how much better you feel.
    Plus, you’ll see the weight drop off. Promise.

    7 Use an activity tracker

    The Fitbit app rocketed to number one in Apple’s iOs store on Christmas Day, suggesting that millions of FitBits made their way under the tree this year, along with dozens of other takes on the activity tracker.
    We like the more advanced options with display screens and added features so that you are not reliant on your smartphone to view your data, but the lighter bracelet-style bands will still offer step-count and distance.
    Well-rated ones this year include: the Fitbit charge 2, which comes with GPS, screen for data, heart rate tracker and, of course, a step counter (currently £109 at CurrysVery and PC World); Samsung Gear Fit 2 for Android, £169.99 at Very; Microsoft Band 2 (£199.99 at Argos) or or the light, comfortable Fitbit Flex 2 (£69.95 at Amazon) and Jawbone UP3 with sleep tracker, movement tracker and long battery life, for lightweight options with no display screen.

    8 Get a personal trainer

    Having someone stand over you while you work out is pretty much guaranteed to result in more reps than if you go it alone. The money spent doesn’t just buy yiou the session – it means having someone turn up to meet you every day, whatever the time, smiling, telling you that you’ve got this, that they believe in you.
    Studies show that with a PT you are more likely to:
    Exercise regularly
    Have longer and more intense sessions
    Lift heavier weights and do more reps 
    Maintain your exercise programme for longer
    Lose more weight
    Rehabilitate faster
    Perform exercises more effectively and safely
    Gain exercise confidence
    Achieve goals quicker
    If you can’t afford your own, consider looking for likeminded friends and share one between a small group.
    Can’t leave the house to workout? Try an at-home personal trainer – all you need is a small space indoors or in the garden – or an online trainer.
    A Skype PT session can serve as a supplementary session between IRL sessions – to keep motivation levels up, check exercises are being done correctly and get an inspirational lifecoaching-style session – or it could be the way you get some one-to-one time to supplement your own training.
    PT Stuart Amory offers Skype sessions to his clients in addition to or instead of IRL training sessions. ‘Most “online training” is giving clients an email with a program and then getting email correspondence,’ he says. ‘That doesn’t appeal to me as I like to see my client face to face, whether that’s in person or via Skype.
    ‘When I do one-to-one personal training, clients want to exercise… simple. By me doing online – and by that I mean Skype – I can see my client more frequently and hold them accountable by checking up on the task I have asked them to carry out.
    ‘Most PTs, me included (after the initial consultation) train their client for an hour and see them the following week. The addition of the Skype element really works for both of us.’

    9 Start exercising at home

    Some of us (thanks to work, kids, illness, dependents, financial issues) can’t get to a gym or even really get out for a morning or evening run/walk/cycle. That doesn’t mean you can’t work out.
    Look at it this way: you could lie in bed pressing snooze for at 9-minute intervals for half an hour every morning, or you could get on to your yoga mat and bust out some burpees.
    If that seems like too much, start small.
    Get the mat out while you’re watching First Dates and do press-ups, plank or jump squats through every ad break. Run up and down the stairs 10 times before you have your shower.
                      START LOSING WEIGHT NOW HERE


    Do a minute each of jumping jacks, step-ups, sit-ups, squats and burpees in a burst of 5 minutes of constant exercise.
    Once you’ve done 5 minutes of exercise, you’ll be warmed up and (this is the goal) motivated to do more – that’s when you can repeat your circuit or add in variations (skipping, lunges, plank, jump squats, deep squats, jumps on to a box, press-ups, mountain climbers) to keep your interest up.
    15 minutes of exercise calculated as 15 calories per minute (the average burned doing squats without weights) will burn 225 calories (equal to two crumpets with butter), get the blood flowing and set you up for the day.

    10 Join a bootcamp or exercise group

    Exercising as a pack can be more fun, offer more motivation – and give you access to a trained professional for less £££ than a personal training session.
    Exercise becomes sociable, each group member is more accountable (‘where were you last week, slacker’ etc etc) and adds a layer of healthy competition.
    Motivation is contagious – when you see others putting in the blood, sweat and tears, it could unlock your own inner animal.
    Or it might make you want to slink off for a hot chocolate, but at least you’ll have someone to go with.

    11 Try a food delivery service

    (Illustration: Liberty Antonia Sadler for Metro.co.uk)
    The saying goes that abs are created 20% in the gym and 80% in the kitchen. But following a specific diet is a delicate balance of willpower, effort and preparation.
    Celebrities, sportspeople, supermodels, actors building muscle for a part – they have a team of trainers, chefs and nutritionists at their disposal.
    For non-elites, it’s harder. Which is where food delivery services come in. Fresh Fitness Food have a team of elite athletes, nutritionists and fitness experts – plus a Michelin-starred chef – to create nutritionally balanced meal plans and deliver them to your door.
    You give them your nutritional requirements or goals (a specific calorie count, no starchy carbs, high protein, vegan, gluten free, caveman, 5:2, muscle gain, fat loss), they create a meal plan and prepare the meals fresh each day for the length of time you need it.
    Once they have your food goals, they will break it down across 3, 4 or 5 meals which are delivered overnight to your workplace or home in ready-to-cook containers. You can hardly underestimate how much easier it is to follow a healthy eating plan when your meals are prepared for you. It removes the need for the weekly food shop or the temptation that opening the fridge brings as your hand hovers over the cheese on its way to the salad box.
    The food comes on a three-week rotating menu and includes things like: frittata and spinach for breakfast with a beetroot and pomegranate power juice, steak with Asian vegetables or salmon with fennel and tomato for lunch, turkey and grilled vegetables or Southern smokey pulled beef for dinner. Snacks come in the form of spirulina and protein power balls and homemade protein-rich takes on Snickers bars and the like. Guaranteed to never get dull.
    Packages start from £20 per day for all your food – decent if you’re the type who can easily spend £10 on a Whole Foods salad for lunch.
    Long-term, it could get costly, but a two-week kickoff can really help change eating habits and give you some interesting meal ideas. Once you’ve got on track, you could bring it down to two days a week to keep you on track.

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